19 July 2007

Leaving the Republic of Serbia. Goodbye.

Said the sign on the border between Macedonia and Serbia. My bags were packed and loaded in the boot of Davor's car, I had said farewell to the staff at Generator, played with Davor's new puppy, returned the cell phone and keys to my flat and office, and started on my last trip out of Vranje as an EWI research associate. It most likely will not be the last time I visit this town- Davor insists that Dea and I visit once the house is completed - but after spending such time there, it was a bit hard to let it go.

Probably should have linked this earlier, but here's the wikipedia entry on Vranje

Completely drained at this point with the juggling of everything I have and had to do. Fortunately I just keep getting one thing done at a time, completing one mission after another, and things aren't too bad.

One positive: Now that I'm in Skopje, I've got much stronger internet connection. Apparently Dea could actually see me crystal clear for the first time in 9 weeks. I've also many times more co-workers, though I've already started to miss the rapport I had with Davor. Lost power already once since I've been here, forgotten how unstable the grid is in Skopje.

On a completely unrelated note, want to thank everyone for keeping up with my blog. When I read the comments or hear someone mention it to me, it makes me forget about the work I'm supposed to be doing.

For at least a minute or so.


Final Paper for UACS - First Draft Completed
Feasibility Study of Free Trade Zone Creation in the GPKT region - Under Review
Edit Phrasebook created by GPKT Youth Project - Completed

1 comment:

Chandle said...

Great work, Andrew. I want to go home too.