11 June 2007

Further on the Conference, More Letters, and Photos

So after a very long and trying weekend (We lost power again, which means everything in my flat acts stupid for a day after) and having an allergic reaction to something (don't know what, hope to god it's not something in the soups i've been making or in my kitchen in general), I dragged myself to work.  Get yet another bit of mail (this makes 3, for those playing along at home) and got teased for it, since all three have been from the same, wonderful, incredible person (she knows who she is. :-P) My day improved dramatically as I opened the letter (by hand, not by bunny ;) and read what was inside, so that's always a plus.
Went to look at a third option for where we might be moving the office (I take the photos) and found it to be a really really nice place.  Still waiting on what the final price will be, then Davor and I will be emailing Robert, the Project Director, to see if it's acceptable.

In other news, last friday we went to a conference on Corruption that I mentioned in the title of the last post, but didn't go too indepth on it. I still can't go too indepth into it, because I only understood whatever I could overhear the translator at the other table say. The speakers were quite good, however, with Custom Agents, Professors, and NGO heads. The professor told the story about how one of his collegues accepted money for a passing grade for his student, only to find years later when needing emergancy treatment after an accident. the head doctor in charge was the very student that bought his way through the class.

Afterwards we checked out the hot springs that attract visitors from all over the region. The water is 96 degrees C, or "Ready for Coffee" according to Hyzri, as he, Davor and I stuck our hands in the near-boiling water.

Also saw the hotel that they stopped building halfway through, a huge building that now has trees growing in it... reminded me of my misspent youth investigating "Weird New Jersey" 

Photos Below:

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Hyzri, Davor's Father, Davor and I

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Hot Spring

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Crazy Hotel

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad I missed the tunnel. Do not like going into dark holes that may or may not have light at the end.
You can tell them that Hot Springs, AR water is 147 F (64 C), so a bit warmer than theirs! And who knew you would find such treasures near the home of the Clinton School.
Hziry makes you look less tall with Davor and Dad!