It's been a busy week these last 3 days. Went to the Gjilan, Kosovo office on Tuesday, where I did my first of probably many embarrassing pratfalls due to slick sidewalks in the rain, then helped with the "Football Without Borders" event in Macedonia the day after. The event took city employees from the GPKT region and pit them in competition with each other, each side playing two matches. I have never been to the FIFA World Cup, but I can imagine what it must be like now. The last game went on for two over-time periods and ended in penalty shots. Gjilan, champions two years running, let the other team win. Which was good, due to current events, having the Kosovar team come in first and the Serbian team in last would be an interesting situation.
Project is going well, all things considered. Looking up more information on CEFTA (like NAFTA, but Central Europe). Have a meeting next week with the local UNDP Rep. So that will be interesting.
In other news, I got my first two bits of mail! Real mail is very exciting to get (if you need the address, just send it to my work site, since I'm not sure how well mail goes to my flat.) Also, my site wants to make sure I get a chance to explore the continent while I am here, so towards the end of my time here I will be heading to Milan, Italia :) Very exciting, needless to say. Also, found that there's a popular brand of water in Kosovo that has an interesting name. What do all these events have in common?
Awww. Not only do I have my own water, but have found something else with my name. Yea! Can't wait to see you in Italia.
That is soooo kewwwwlll..what a sweet coincident :) Thanks for the greeting brother! You should take more pictures. Take care.
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